孙: 名词1.(孙子) grandson 短语和例子长孙 son's eldest son; eldest grandson2.(孙子以后的各代) generations below that of the grandchild 短语和例子玄孙 great-great-grandson; 曾孙 great-grandson3.(植物再生或孳生的) second growth of
传: 传名词1.(解释经文的著作) commentaries on classics 短语和例子经传 confucian classics and commentaries on them; 春秋三传 the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in confucius' spring and autu
传子传孙: bequeath to children and grandchildren; pass on (one's skills) to one's sons and grandsons
敏: Ⅰ形容词(灵敏;敏捷) quick; agile; smart; nimble 短语和例子机敏 alert and resourcefulⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子敏伟 min wei