every phrase a gem; each word a gem; sparkling ideas put in writing
Example Sentences:
After class , many of our minds were filled with words of wisdom from the dharma masters 课后,每个人都从法师的字字珠玑里学到了圆满的智慧。
A cd exhibitor at the expo was especially fascinated by master s poetry collection the lost memories . the poem " love melody 4 " immediately caught his attention , and he commented on the beauty and excellent phrasing of master s poems 一位展售cd的参展人士对师父诗集失落的回忆喜爱不已,他表示师父的诗非常优美,字字珠玑,其中的情歌四这首诗更是吸引他的注意。
Master s words of wisdom reach deep into every soul . this is a discourse that fellow practitioners cannot afford to miss ! even for non - initiates , master s message is like a great bell chiming at midnight to shock them out of their worldly delusions 师父的话字字珠玑,发人深省,是每位同修不可错过的一场精彩开示对非同修而言,师父的开示亦如午夜的响钟,敲醒您在红尘世界中的迷梦。
The sister , who counted the votes , commented that she was very impressed by the simplicity and enthusiasm of the fellow practitioners . their comments were sparkling with wisdom , especially the innocent and pure remarks from the youngsters , which made the readers smile with understanding 在场负责计票的天饰组师姊也表示,同修的单纯与热诚十分感人,所写下的智慧爱语,可说字字珠玑,而小同修的童言童语,更令人会心一笑。
This son conceive outline novel , the topic has the mental strategy only , the paragraph is clear , the details difference , fall the delay to rise and fall , the main line is clear , fascinating , mild win to display the extraordinary knowledge work bottom , is witty it may be said , a classic , is the model that my generation should study 这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的知识功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范。