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English translation for "子集生成"

generating subsets

Related Translations:
子集序列:  sequence of subsets
关联子集:  relevant subset
闭子集:  closed setclosed subset
子集合作:  sub-collection
子集公理:  axiom of subsets
宣告子集:  declaration subset
子集族:  family of sets
分支子集:  descendent subset
浸润子集:  saturated subset
连续子集:  continuation subset
Example Sentences:
1.You cannot use the tool to generate type information for a subset of the types defined within a single type library
2.Tlbimp . exe converts an entire type library to metadata at once and cannot generate type information for a subset of the types defined in a type library
Tlbimp . exe一次将整个类型库转换为元数据,它不能为类型库中所定义的类型的子集生成类型信息。
3.2 . the structure of the lattice implication sub - algebra which generated from a subset , and the product of lattice implication algebra were studied . the necessary condition was given of a lattice implication algebra which can be decomposed into lattice implication algebra ' s product . it is proved that lattice h implication algebra is a boole ring with a unit
2 、对格蕴涵代数中由一子集生成的格蕴涵子代数的结构及格蕴涵代数的直积进行了研究,给出了一格蕴涵代数可分解成一族格蕴涵代数直积的必要条件,证明了格h蕴涵代数是一有单位元的布尔环。
Similar Words:
"子集合" English translation, "子集合族" English translation, "子集合作" English translation, "子集句式" English translation, "子集码" English translation, "子集实现" English translation, "子集算法" English translation, "子集条目" English translation, "子集序列" English translation, "子集语言" English translation