sons and grandsons pervaded the hall.; have many children and grandchildren
Example Sentences:
That would encourage you to be fruitful and multiply 我为你们创造了好的条件以便子孙满堂
Tradition also calls for a joined community effort to make the newly weds an anticipation for many children to come 传统还提倡大家都要参与,预示着将来子孙满堂。
Zhao lived a long and useful life . he was happy and prosperous because he never killed anything . if you cherish life , you can cherish your own life 赵过了长久而有意义的一生。他过着幸福的生活,而且子孙满堂,因为他没有杀生过。如果你珍爱其他生命,你才能真正珍爱自己的生命。