The explorers were faint from hunger and cold . 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。
He felt empty and beaten . 他觉得空虚、委顿。
The explorers were faint from hunger and cold 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪
I have a curious constitution . i never remember feeling tired by work , though idleness exhausts me completely 我的体质非常特别。工作的时候一点儿也不觉得累,如果闲着无事反而会使我委顿不堪了。
But then the japanese ambassador presents the emperor with a mechanical nightingale , encrusted with jewels and his liking for the real bird diminishes , which dejectedly flies back to the forest 后来机械鸟日久委顿,国王因失去两心爱鸟儿而病入膏肓,最后夜莺回到国王身边,国王才起死回生。
But then the japanese ambassador presents the emperor with a mechanical nightingale , encrusted with jewels and his liking for the real bird diminishes , which dejectedly flies back to the forest 后来机械鸟日久委顿,国王因失去两心爱鸟儿而病入膏肓,最后夜莺回到国王身边,国王才起死回生。
What is worth pondering over is the worried feelings hided behind the fantastic stories in which jin yong felt the solemn , strring and loneliness facing the tiredness and lose of chivalric spirit before he stopped writing 值得回味的是掩藏在传奇故事背后那令人揪心的切肤之感,因为在这当中,融铸了金庸封笔之前面对侠义精神的委顿和失落所感受到的天高地远般的悲壮寂寞。