Yutang : what a curious defense for the existence of buddhism and taoism 语堂曰:这是保存佛教道教的妙论。
And j . j . and the citizen arguing about law and history with bloom sticking in an odd word 杰杰和“市民”就法律和历史争论起来,布卢姆也不时地插进一些妙论。
A hong kong romantic comedy that correlates a paper thin " hair washing " theory with love relationship . similar to that , the idea of corresponding love with blood type is also insubstantial 和该片借洗头搞出既无厘头又极为单薄的爱情理论一样此片以血型为题材妙论爱情关系本身的基础也非常单薄。
Mr bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the general gist of this though the mystical finesse involved was a bit out of his sublunary depth still he felt bound to enter a demurrer on the head of simple , promptly rejoining 尽管就世俗的布卢姆先生而言,这番带有神秘韵味的妙论是多少过于深奥了些,然而他对这种思路的要旨还是完全默认了。
In the second half , the love theme gradually turns up , and it is supported by a reluctant " hair - washing " theory . the idea of paralleling love to hair - washing is no doubt quite innovative , but the script is inadequate to back it up and expand it to make the romance and the ending convincing 编导在后半部渐入正题以洗头妙论爱情本是不俗的构思可惜无头无尾单靠一个concept根本不能撑得起整部戏论说服力也和同是借题发挥但剧本结构更严密的绝世好bra相去甚远。
Dr . freeman leung y . k . , associate professor of the chinese university , was invited to present the topic of pressure and mental health . his humorous speech reminded us the importance of healthy living habits . it was really a good lesson for our staff to raise the awareness of keeping good health 我们荣幸地邀请了中文大学的梁耀坚教授主讲压力与身心健康,梁教授的风趣妙论提醒我们要维持好的生活习惯,希望各员工能多意识身心健康的重要,以及实践良好的生活习惯。