Advertisements often contain catch phrases 广告中常出现妙句。
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife 一个男人将来亦不会结婚直至他结了婚为止拖长讲! !拖得极为取巧! !妙句! !
" the writer was the song - dynasty scholar fan chengda and his comments show that the scenery of guilin has been attracting and astonishing visitors for many centuries . it has also been the inspiration for classical chinese landscapes of fantastically shaped peaks , studded with pines and small pavilions , partly shrouded in mist 南宋李曾伯在重修湘南楼记中挥笔写下了“桂林山川甲天下”的妙句,以后, “桂林山水甲天下”便成了品评桂林山水的名言了。