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English translation for "她心情"

she's under the weather

Related Translations:
心情压抑:  feel constrained oppressivestifling
靛青心情:  mood indigo
心情愉悦:  joyful
心情好:  be in a good temperin a good humorin a good moodletgomixmood
兜风心情:  drive mood
心情沉静:  be in a placid mood
心情悲凄的:  melancholy
心情很坏:  in a lousy mood
心情很平静:  in a smooth mood
心情极糟:  in a terrible mood
Example Sentences:
1.Alice was very glad to find her in such a pleasant temper .
2.She was in a wonderful mood, telling pug her ideas for the wedding .
3.He could tell she was in a bad mood , and tried to laugh her out of it .
4.Even in her distress, she observed that men looked keenly at her .
5.It was all the more vital that margaret's speech on the friday should go well, and as the week progressed she grew increasingly anxious .
6.But what disturbed her, in the sense that it struck her with wonderment, was this very fact that it cost her so little to refuse a magnificent "chance" .
7.She stood , very much frightened , awaiting some one
8.She ' s in a bad mood , what , two , three days tops
9.She was excited - like a child
她心情激动- -激动得像个小孩。
10.Her grief is a heavy load to bear
Similar Words:
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