act obsequiously; a hateful flattering appearance; servile; bend one's knees before …; bow low and sweep the ground with one's cap; fawn in every way on …; grovel in the dust; lick sb.'s boots [feet; shoes; spittle]; make a great show of obedience and courtesy; sedulously fawn upon …; servile flattery; subservient
A subservient client would soon face an accumulation of ever-growing pressures . 奴颜婢膝的附庸则很快就会导致外来日益增加的种种压力。
They bow and scrape like slaves to the foreigners , willing to sell the country for their own selfish ends . 他们对外奴颜婢膝,甘心卖国求荣。
There never was such a base and servile treaty of surrender, since treaties began to exist . 自从世界上有条约以来,从来没见过这种奴颜婢膝的条约。
There never was such a base and servile treaty of surrender, since treaties began to exist . 自从世界上有条约以来,从来没有见过这种奴颜婢膝的条约。
I did not, however, aim at gaining his favor by paying any servile respect to him, but after some time, took this other method . 不过我并不为了取得他的好感而奴颜婢膝,而是过一段时间后用了另一方法。
His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me 他奉承雇主的那副奴颜婢膝的嘴脸令我恶心。
What weakness is it that you can never tolerate ? - - - sycophancy and servile flattery 你最不能容忍的缺点是什么? - - - -奴颜婢膝
The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond “ idolatry to monarchs ” and “ servility to aristocratic pride ” 世界的其他地方正逐渐摆脱对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝。
He noticed that they were all whispering together , looking towards him with something like awe and even obsequious deference 他发现,大家在窃窃私语,用目光向他表示,有如目光中流露出恐惧,甚至是奴颜婢膝的样子。
Boris belonged to the latter faction , and no one succeeded better than he did in paying the most servile adulation to kutuzov , while managing to insinuate that the old fellow was not good for much , and that everything was really due to the initiative of bennigsen 鲍里斯属于后一派,谁也没有他那样善于奴颜婢膝,曲意奉承库图佐夫,而同时又给人以老头子不行,一切都由贝尼格森主持的感觉。