| 1. | Militantly resentful of slavery, he joined the union army . 由于对奴隶制度极为不满,他加入了联邦军队。 |
| 2. | He is able to free jim from the immediate evil of slavery . 他能够把吉姆从奴隶制度的直接祸害中拯救出来。 |
| 3. | There was an american didacticism that went beyond condemning slavery or intemperance . 美国有一种说教,不只谴责奴隶制度和酗酒放纵。 |
| 4. | In those days, this matter of slavery had never been canvassed as it has now . 那时候,奴隶制度这个问题从来没有人像今天这样深入探讨过。 |
| 5. | The american leaders, uplifted by the glorious news, founded the american anti-slavery society the same year . 美国的领袖们,被这条令人愉快的消息所鼓舞,在同一年创立了美国反奴隶制度协会。 |
| 6. | He is able to free jim from the immediate evil of slavery, though not from the disability of being black . 他能够把吉姆从奴隶制度的直接祸害中拯救出来,但是无法使他摆脱黑皮肤加在他身上的桎梏。 |
| 7. | When the cotton kingdom ceased to expand, slavery was doomed, and the end of this expansion was in sight in 1860 . 当棉花王国停止扩展时,奴隶制度就面临厄运,而这种扩展的停止是1860年初露端倪的。 |
| 8. | By all odds, her book should have been as bad as the innumerable other specimens of anti-slavery (or pro-slavery)fiction . 按理说,她这本书应该和其他无数反奴隶制度(或拥护奴隶制度)的小说一样拙劣。 |
| 9. | He was born on the far south, on the d'arnault plantation, where the spirit if not the fact of slavery persisted . 他出生在美国最南部的达诺尔德的种植园里,那里如果说奴隶制度在事实上没有了,奴隶制的精神却依然存在。 |