| 1. | A study of qidan big characters on two wooden slips 两件契丹大字木牍之研究 |
| 2. | A number of questions on the history of tu nationality 契丹族狩猎经济考略 |
| 3. | Qidan nation ' s contribution to shenyang historical culture 论契丹民族对沈阳历史文化的贡献 |
| 4. | And this human - head fish - dragon pot belonged to qidan people 还有这人首鱼龙壶是契丹族的。 |
| 5. | Fu bi ' s outstanding diplomatic ability in visiting qidan dynasty 从出使契丹看富弼的外交才能 |
| 6. | Talking of qidan people ' s culture of dancing art in liao dynasty plainly 浅谈辽朝契丹族的舞蹈艺术 |
| 7. | The origin of the qidan nation and the establishment of the liao dynasty 契丹的由来和辽代的建元上 |
| 8. | The population and features of the qidan ethnic people in the liao dynasty 辽代契丹民族的人口及特点 |
| 9. | About the metallic masks and nets of khitan nationality of liao dynasty 辽代契丹族金属面具与网络试析 |
| 10. | On the khitan national jade articles 契丹民族玉器述论 |