正牌韦小宝奉旨沟女: hero from beyond the boundary of timehero- beyond the boundary of time
正牌韦小宝之奉旨沟女: hero beyond the boundary of timehero-beyond the boundary of time
Example Sentences:
Hence it is easy to imagine what a multitude of people can be reformed if an opportunity for repentance is afforded 臣于是不禁有感焉:陛下法外开恩,仁信广布,黔首奉旨受化,自当歧途知返哉。
Cheung , a dull thirty - years - old man , gets married with lovely yo yo , who is just 18 , to fulfill a promise of their parents in uk 三十岁老土木讷的十三郑伊健饰与十八岁活泼任性的yoyo蔡卓妍饰因父母之命在英国奉旨成婚。
Under the emperor ' s order , zheng he sailed his fleets to the western seas seven times , as a physical demonstration of this new visionary international policy of the ming kingdom 郑和奉旨率领船队七下西洋,正是推行明王朝和平睦邻外交政策的具体体现。
We are talking to them in imposing emission caps for the future which will reflect the current situation with regards to air quality objectives 我们觉得可以在某一程度上接受交通运输工具的一些小故障,但不等于可以奉旨出错,我们希望地铁调查清楚今次故障原因。
In 1973 , french president pompidou , ailing with cancer , decided to come to china . he wanted to see china s grottoes , yungang grottoes in particular , although he had a tight schedule of state activities 山西云网石窟距今已有1 , 500多年的历史,始建于公元460年,由当时的佛教高僧昙曜奉旨开凿。
Fictions about genius and beauty during ming and qing dynasties are almost of happy endings with grading the candidates in the imperial examinations and getting marriage by order of the parents , but lack of the tragedy spirits 摘要明清时期的才子佳人小说几乎都是以科举及第、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,缺乏悲剧精神。
The spanish priest fernando sainz op preached christianity here 150 years ago , and his followers subsequently built this church . the exterior of this magnificent building was made using traditional materials , such as crushed stone , lime mortar , brown sugar , and honey , kapok , and kiln - fired bricks , and it has a horizontal inscribed granite tablet , given by the emperor tongzhi 早在一百五十年前,西班牙神父郭德刚便在此宣教,日后信徒们兴建了这座以碎石石灰黑糖蜂蜜木棉及火砖等古老建材为外墙的大教堂,规模宏伟,还获同治皇帝亲赐奉旨及天主堂石碑,至今仍镶在圣堂正面上方。