| 1. | Make sure it is designed for security and not just protection from fire 确保夹万不仅具防火效能,更要有防盗保安之作用。 |
| 2. | Don t carry large amount of cash or valuables on your person . keep them in the hotel safe 别随身携带大量现金或财物,应存放在酒店夹万内; |
| 3. | If you have to leave cash in the shop , use a good quality modern safe fixed to the floor 如必须将现金存放于店铺内,则要选购可以稳固镶嵌于地上的优质新式夹万。 |
| 4. | If you have to leave cash in the office , use a good quality modern safe fixed to the floor 如必须将现金存放于办公室内,则要选购可以稳固镶嵌于地上的优质新式夹万。 |
| 5. | There was a record player on top of his large safe , which stood just in front of the small window that was letting in the cold air 这时我留意到另一件奇怪的事情原来在敞开的窗户前的大型夹万上,正摆放一座唱机。 |
| 6. | The emptied delivery box was later recovered at a flowerbed outside the park n shop and the cash takings from other shops were found missing from the safe of the security vehicle 该空的解款箱其后在百佳超级市场外之花槽被寻回,而从其他店铺收集得之现金全部从解款车上之夹万失去。 |
| 7. | Shops are advised to deposit all their cash into banks or securely fitted safes before the holidays start . to prevent burglaries , shop owners can arrange to conduct checks during the holidays ?在假期前,店主应将现金存入银行或放入装嵌稳妥的夹万内;为防止爆窃案,更可在假期巡视店铺。 |
| 8. | Upon checking , he discovered that a safe in the first floor bedroom had been prised open . watches and rings with a total value of $ 2 , 778 , 000 and $ 120 , 000 in cash kept in the safe were found missing 经点算后,他发现一楼睡房内的夹万被人撬开,存放在内的港币十二万元现金及总值约二百七十七万八千元的手表及戒指不翼而飞。 |
| 9. | The emptied delivery box was later recovered at a flowerbed outside the park n shop and the cash takings from other shops were found missing from the safe of the security vehicle . the total loss was $ 1 , 572 , 222 - hk in cash 该空的解款箱其后在百佳超级市场外之花槽被寻回,而从其他店铺收集得之现金全部从解款车上之夹万失去。 |
| 10. | One male and one female , both of arabian appearance and pretending to be customers , visited the premises on an appointment . while the owner of the company took a box containing two diamond finger rings at 15 . 97 carats and 25 . 15 carats valued about 12 , 090 , 000 - hk from the safe inside the office , the male rushed in and grabbed the box from the victim 当珠宝店东主在办公室内从夹万取出一个盒子,内藏两只分别为15 . 97卡及25 . 15卡,总值约港币壹仟贰佰零九万的钻石戒指时,上述的男子突然冲入房内,夺去事主的盒子。 |