谈广告语言的夸饰性: on the exaggerating quality of advertising language
Example Sentences:
On the exaggerating quality of advertising language 谈广告语言的夸饰性
You reject everything that is garish and trite 你拒绝夸饰与陈腐。
Comment on the exaggerating mode of advertising 谈广告语言夸饰模式
Rangers are experts with ranged weapons and can be very deadly from a long distance 游骑兵:他们准头奇高,在几百里外夺人性命。 (译者:我用了点夸饰
Exaggerations in " wenxindiaolong " ( or dragon carving and literary mind ) provide with a panoramic and profound study of the implications of the exaggerations , the basis of theorem , values , and the fundamental principles , enabling liu xie to outdo mencius , zhuangzi , yang xiong , and wang chong 《文心雕龙?夸饰》对夸饰的含义、发生的学理根据、价值功能以及基本原则等方面进行了深入的思考,实现了对孟子、庄子、扬雄、王充等人的超越。
Haiyatt garden hotel intro when you choose the haiyatt garden hotel you are not only able to enjoy restful stay in rejuvenate accommodations , you also have a powerful international business base at your disposal . the haiyatt garden hotel is a five - star luxury hotel offering unparalleled personal service with every amenity available to today s most discerning travelers 当您选择下榻长安海悦花园大酒店,您不仅拥有一座可以获得充分休息的住宿环境,更可做为国际业务往来的重要基地没有夸饰的装横,没有炫丽的柱廊,我们所努力创造与坚持的是塑造一个舒适的住房环境及个性化的管理与服务理念。