| 1. | What had happened underlined his strictures of the night before: we should keep hands off the middle east . 这件事更加说明了他头天晚上的叮嘱:我们不应当过问中东的事。 |
| 2. | On the night before the funeral he was as drunk as ever; and it was shocking, in that house of mourning, to hear him singing away at his ugly old sea song . 在葬仪的头天晚上,他喝得象通常一样烂醉,在这所居丧的房屋里听到他唱他那古老的航海谣,真叫人毛骨悚然。 |
| 3. | He goes to sleep in his hotel room the first night 头天晚上他在酒店里睡着了 |
| 4. | . . . especially on the first night of chanukah . . .特别是在光明节的头天晚上 |
| 5. | Especially on the first night of chanukah .特别是在光明节的头天晚上 |
| 6. | The first night my dad was pretty drunk 头天晚上我爸爸喝得酩酊大醉 |
| 7. | Then it was as the evening before 于是,一切又像头天晚上一样。 |
| 8. | This rate is what banks pay other banks to borrow money overnight 这种利率是银行头天晚上借钱而支付其他银行的。 |
| 9. | As we were getting in the car , i asked my sister if she had seen anything last night 我们上车的时候,我问姐姐头天晚上有没有看到什么东西。 |
| 10. | She grumbled something to the effect that madame ought to have come to a decision the first evening 她埋怨娜娜,说太太头天晚上就该拿定主意了。 |