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English translation for "失去人性"


Related Translations:
使失掉人性:  dehumanize
失去活力:  devitalization
失去踪迹:  off the trackoff the trail
失去速度:  lose speed
失去浮力:  loss of buoyance
失去连贯性:  discohere
失去记忆力:  lose one's memory
失去希望:  lose hope give uhope
失去职业:  be out of a situation
失去同步:  drop-out of stepfalloutloss of synchronization
Example Sentences:
1.Well , the time has come to say . .
2.Well , the time has come to say
3.You ' ll lost your humanity
4.Current1y , people are losing not only their characteristics , but also their human nature
5.Entertaining ourselves by inflicting needless pain on a fellow creature dehumanizes us
6.Everyone here in america who has allowed the brutalization and depersonalization to go on is responsible
7.What a pity now i have not met , but i can wait , when hatefulloses the human nature face to appear , i can aim at the good spot , sucks the fist
8.You feel insulted and " dehumanized " when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms , but you have no problem with the biblical claim that we were created from dirt
9.But , regarding loses the human nature woman , i best procedureis disagrees she to lower oneself to the same level , the worstprocedure is scolds her with the language , i knew the woman surelycannot hit , i do not hit , possibly some people can some people say meincompetently , i if really have hit , i was am really incompetent
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