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English translation for "央行行长"

central bank president

Related Translations:
央行:  bank of englandbank of japancentral bankecb
欧央行:  european central bank
印度央行:  reserve bank of india
欧洲央行:  european central bankgoverning council
月央行:  nbp
存放央行:  due from central bank
央行存款:  due to central bank
塞浦路斯央行:  central bank of cyprus
印度尼西亚央行:  bank indonesia
澳央行:  reserve bank of australia
Example Sentences:
1.Viewpoint : christmas quiz : central bank governors
2.He became governor of the central bank in 2003
3.The g - 7 central bank governor with a moustache
4.The trouble for the fed is that other central bankers see things differently
5.Mr brown participated in the g20 summit for finance ministers and central bank governors on 15 october
6.The current mayor of tianjin is well - suited to the task : former central bank governor dai xianglong
7.However , in november 1999 , the g10 governors decided not to proceed further with work in this area
8.America ' s central bankers , it seems , are more worried about tumbling shares in europe than europeans are themselves
9.While other central banks consider cutting rates , the boj ' s governor , toshihiko fukui , is itching to raise them
10.Both in britain and the euro zone , central bankers are worried about inflation and the prospect of a wage - price spiral
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