The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low . 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。
The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver . 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。
Suddenly an unexpected series of sounds began to be heard in this place up against the sky . 突然、在这擎接着天穹的地方传来了一连串意想不到的声音。
I was comfortably reveling in the spring fragrance around, and the beautiful soft blue overhead . 我正在尽情享受四周的春天的芬芳和头顶上那美丽的蔚蓝色的天穹。
Now there is nothing to see beneath the crystalline sky but the uneven tops of second-growth trees . 现在,晶莹的天穹下除了高低不等的再生树冠之处,什么也看不见了。
It hardly was credible that such a heavenly light could be the parent of such a diabolical sound . 这样一道落自天穹的闪光竟会引起如此惊天动地的声响,简直有些令人难以置信。
The curving hills scalloped the edge of the light-blue sky mount egmont soared ten thousand feet, sloping into the clouds . 逶迤的山脉将淡蓝色的天穹弯成一个扇面,爱格蒙山高耸入云。
A buffet of wind made him stagger and he saw that he was out in the open, on rock, under a brassy sky . 一阵风吹得他踉踉跄跄,他看到自己已经到了开阔地,在黄铜色的天穹之下,在山岩之上。
The sun had gone behind the hill, and shadows were clinging to the earth, the sky above was full of travelling light . 夕阳已在山后西沉,大地笼罩在黑暗之中,只是高处的天穹上尚留几丝余辉。
The full power of the clear heaven was not equal to that of a cloudy sky at noon, when boldwood arose and dressed himself . 当博尔德伍德起来穿上衣服的时候,那澄澈万里的天穹中的亮度竟还不及阴霾的中午时分的天空。