She even sets a love trap to ensnare him . tripitaka unwittingly falls into the trap and , in the process , breaks the heavenly code 对他一见锺情,从此大师唐唐天天就被这个痴情女妖缠著,落入她设下的爱情圈套,犯下天条
The celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time , allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living 凯尔特人相信在这个时候,空间和时间的所有天条戒律都暂停下来,允许幽灵世界与生者世界相互混合。
As tripitaka tries to find a way to save them he meets an ugly lizard imp , meiyan charlene choi , who falls in love with him at first sight and devotes herself to him 他遇上了奇丑无比来路不明的小女妖美艳蔡卓妍饰,美艳对他一见锺情,从此大师唐唐天天就被这个痴情女妖缠著,落入她设下的爱情圈套,犯下天条。