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English translation for "天南星"

[ tiānnánxīng ]
[植物学] rhizoma arisaematis; arisaema consanguineum; jack-in-the-pulpit

Related Translations:
制天南星:  processed rhizoma arisaematis
胆天南星:  arisaema bilifera
天南星科植物天南星:  arisaema erubescens schott
尤天南星:  jack-in-the-pulpitlndian turnip
欧天南星:  tubera ari
天南星属:  arisaema mart
天南星科:  aroideaearum familycalla familyfamily araceae
天南星中毒:  arisaema consanguineum poisoning
印度天南星:  jack-in-the-pulpit
拟天南星:  arisaema ambiguum engl
Example Sentences:
1.< i > [ maryjane ] this is where < / i > < i > the littlejack - in - the - pulpits live . < / i >
2.Comparative study on the leaf epidermis of the genus acorus and five genera in araceae
3.The studies support the viewpoint that acorus should be removed from araceae to an independent family
4.Of colocasia plants , 97 . 5 % were found being infected with dsmv and 20 % were found being infected complexly with cmv and dsmv
以上结果显示: dsmv是杭州等地的天南星科植物的最主要的病毒病原, cmv也是该科植物上的重要病毒病原。
5.The results of this study support removing acorus from araceae as a singular family and as the basal and relative isolation of the monocotyledon . 2
6.In the thesis , the systematic relationships of acorus together with araceae and typhales are discussed on the basis of features from micromorphology , anatomy , pollen morphology and floral development , with the aid of the data from their embryology , cytology , chemotaxonomy and molecular biology . firstly , it is found that there are many obvious differences between acorus and araceae
本文用形态学、解剖学、孢粉学及花器官发生等方法,并借助胚胎学、细胞学、植物化学及分子生物学等方面的资料,比较研究了菖蒲属( acorus )与天南星科( araceae )及香蒲目( typhales )的系统关系。
7.Their differences are based on many aspects which include characteristics of morphology , anatomy and epidermis of leaf , types of tapetum in anther walls , patterns of endothecial thickenings , and ways of development of endosperms , presence or absence of perisperm , components of photochemistry , and sequences of rbcl
菖蒲属与天南星科其它属在叶的形态、结构、表面特征,花药绒毡层类型,药室内壁增厚的特点,胚乳的发育方式,外胚乳的有无,植物化学成分, rbcl基因序列等多方面存在着显著的差异。
8.In this paper , the basic characteristics of neilingding island ? s flora and their relationships with the neighboring floras were studied . the results show : ( 1 ) the vascular flora of neilingding island consists of 127 families , 367 genera and 551 species , of which 38 species of 25 genera and 20 families belongs to pteridophyta ; ( 2 ) the typical families of seed flora are lauraceae , rubiaceae , apocynaceae , annonaceae , euphorbiaceae , moraceae , aquifoliaceae , rutaceae , araliaceae , myrsinaceae , urticaceae , menispermaceae , araceae , palmae , etc . most of them also are the basic elements of cathaysian flora ; ( 3 ) 342 genera of seed plants in neilingding island can be classified to 13 types according to wu zheng - yi ? s " areal types of chinese genera of seed plant " ; the dominant geographical elements are pantropic genera ( 36 . 05 % ) , old world tropic ( 12 . 54 % ) , tropical asia ( 11 . 60 % ) , the total tropical elements made up to 84 . 90 % of the total number of genera , but the typical and specialized tropical elements are scanty . most of them mainly distributes to sub - tropic or even to temperate zone ; ( 4 ) comparing the floristic composition of neilingding island with those of the neighboring regions , they is closely related to the flora of hong kong which is situated to the east of neilingding island . they all are belonged to the south china province of cathaysian kingdom
通过对广东内伶仃岛的维管植物区系进行全面考察、采集、鉴定和研究,结果表明: ( 1 )共有野生维管植物127科367属551种,其中蕨类植物20科25属38种,种子植物107科342属513种, 12种为广东新记录; ( 2 )种子植物区系的表征科主要有:樟科、茜草科、夹竹桃科、番荔枝科、大戟科、桑科、冬青科、芸香科、葡萄科、五加科、紫金牛科、荨麻科、防己科、天南星科、棕榈科等; ( 3 )属的地理成分以泛热带分布为主,其次为旧世界热带及东亚分布; ( 3 )通过与邻近地区植物区系的比较,发现内伶仃岛与香港植物区系相似性最高,与古田、古兜山的相似性次之,而与南昆山的相似性较低,它们均属于华夏植物区系界的华南省。
9.Based on the survey of viruses infecting araceae plants from in zhejiang province , hunan province , hainan province and other regions in china , pathogenic viruses of this family were detected and identified . sequence similarity was compared between dasheen mosaic virus ( dsmv ) isolates of different origin . virus - free seedlings were obtained for two important taros cultivar , colocasia esculenta cv
本研究论文对我国浙江省、湖南省和海南省等地的天南星科植物上的主要病毒进行了检测和分子鉴定,比较了该科主要病原病毒芋花叶病毒( dsmv )不同分离物的序列同源性并分析其种内分化关系;同时,我们对2种重要的芋属栽培作物? ?奉化芋艿头、乌梗芋( colocasiaesculenta )和我国特有的天南星科药用植物? ?掌叶半夏( pinelliacordata )进行了脱毒培养和快速繁殖研究。
10.Dsmv is proved as the predominating virus - pathogen on aroid plants from zhejiang province and other regions in china . cdna of dsmv rna 3 " end partial sequence and subgenomic rna promoter region of cucumber mosaic virus ( cmv ) rna3 were used as probes for detection of dsmv and cmv respectively . total rna extracted from field samples were used for rna dot - hybridization
用侵染马蹄莲的dsmv3末端序列和黄瓜花叶病毒( cmv )的亚基因组启动子区互补dna序列为标记探针,对自然感病的天南星科植物进行rna斑点杂交,并结合双链rna分析、病毒提纯和形态学观察,对杭州等地16属天南星科植物的81个样品进行了病毒鉴定。
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