| 1. | Then what'll you do, go over the mountain ? 那你的意思是说,翻过大山咯? |
| 2. | It was like a broad bulge moving toward the shore . 它象一座大山一样向海岸压过来。 |
| 3. | The mountain tormented him . 这座大山叫他不得安宁。 |
| 4. | The mountain seemed wise and powerful, and terrifying in its size . 这座大山似乎有一种灵性,有一种威势,那巍峨之状真是动心骇目。 |
| 5. | The air freshened and shared the flavor of conifers as we came into the mountains . 进入大山后,清新的空气中洋溢着针叶树的芳香。 |
| 6. | High, on the topmost rock of the mighty mountain a wonderful bird had built her nest . 在这座大山最高处的一块石头上,一只奇异的鸟筑了巢。 |
| 7. | The peasant labourers really [actually ; literally] hewed a tunnel through that rocky mountain ... 民工们硬是打通了这座大山,修成了隧道。 |
| 8. | Four small ships were taken apart at darien, and balboa caused the pieces to be carried over the mountains . 在达里安拆开四只小船,包尔波亚把拆开的船块搬过大山。 |
| 9. | Of course it was silly really to connect this half-dead bed-wetting still spiteful old woman with a mountain . 将这位半死不活,困于尿床而依旧心肠歹毒的老太婆与巍巍大山相比实在可笑。 |
| 10. | With but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major . 只是大山抱小山,大谷套小谷,而那些小山和小谷上,盖着一片连绵、丰茂的草和树。 |