| 1. | Perineal protection is more difficult to achieve, especially if the child is not toilet trained . 保持会阴部清洁是较困难的,尤其是对于那些还不能自己控制大小便的小儿。 |
| 2. | Change in bowel habit , or blood in urine or stool 大小便习惯改变或大小便带血 |
| 3. | Neglect personal hygiene , and will become incontinent 忽视个人卫生甚至大小便失禁。 |
| 4. | Please go to the restroom over there . promise . untie her , please 大小便一定要去厕所,一定哦 |
| 5. | Please go to the restroom over there . promise . untie her , please 大小便一定要去厕所,一定哦 |
| 6. | Lacking normal voluntary control of excretory functions 大小便失禁缺乏排泻功能的正常自动控制的 |
| 7. | Change in bowel and voiding habits , e . g . change in frequency 大小便习惯改变,如次数频密或减少。 |
| 8. | Would i still be at home if i had been housebroken 如果我没有在家里大小便,你会不会让我留下来? |
| 9. | Change in urinary or bowel habits or blood stains in such excretions 大小便习惯改变或大小便带血; |
| 10. | Change in bowel and voiding habits , e . g . change in frequency 大小便习惯改变,如次数频密或减少。 |