| 1. | He was for many years a distinguished member of the house of commons . 多年以来,他是下院的一位出色的议员。 |
| 2. | The conservative party was in opposition for the first time in years . 多年以来保守党第一次处于反对党的地位。 |
| 3. | Prejudice against blacks was invisible to most white americans for many years . 多年以来,许多白人看不到存在着对黑人的歧视。 |
| 4. | For years i regarded this coincidence as the luckiest turning point in my life . 多年以来,我总把这一偶然的机遇当作我一生中最幸运的转折点。 |
| 5. | I remember very well, that you have entertained me for many years with airy questions of things . 我记得很清楚,多年以来你曾用许多虚无飘渺的问题来为我消磨时间。 |
| 6. | A soldier never removes his worn coat, which has served him for a cover and pillow for so many years . 一个兵从不脱掉他的破烂军服,他多年以来把它既当被褥又当枕头。 |
| 7. | For more than a century, economics was largely concerned with problems other than growth, chiefly efficient allocation at the margin . 一百多年以来,经济学关心的是增长以外的其他问题,主要是边际的有效分配。 |
| 8. | It had been clyde's compulsory duty throughout the years when he would not act for himself to be in attendance at these various meetings . 多年以来,克莱德还不能独立自主,就只好勉强顺从地参加各种宗教集会。 |
| 9. | Over the years a ragged secondgrowth of aspen and birch and speckled alder, at the far edge of the baseball diamond, has blotted out that view . 棒球场外围伐过的树林,多年以来又长出了参差不齐的白杨、白桦和满身斑点的桤木,挡住了视野。 |
| 10. | I do not remember that i had in all that time one thought that so much as tended either to looking upwards toward god, or inwards towards a reflection upon my own ways . 这么多年以来,我不记得曾经有一次想到上帝,或者反省一下自己的行为。 |