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English translation for "多元方差分析"

multivariate analysis of variance

Related Translations:
多元样本:  multivariate sample
多元反应:  multicomponent reaction
多元变量:  polytomized variablepolytomy variable
多元经营:  pluralistic operation
多元真空管:  multielement vacuum tube
多元控制器:  multiple unit controllermultiple-unit controller
多元天线:  multi-element antennamultiple element antennamultiple-element antennamultiunit antenna
多元复合肥料:  polyelement composite fertilizer
多元预测:  multiforecasting
多元估计:  multiple valuation
Example Sentences:
1.This research makes use of statistics methods , such as factor analyze , correlation analyze , gml , regression analysis and so on
通过相关分析、多元方差分析和多元回归等方法对数据进行统计分析,得出以下结果: 1
2.We have used methods of correlation analysis and multivariate analysis of variance in order to explore the relations between achievement goal orientation and class motivation climate , learning strategy , academic performance
3.Second , through the multiple sample test we have drawn the conclusion : the achievement motivation of the student varies between following pairs of factors : literal arts and natural sciences ; male students and femal students ; grade one and grade three ; rurual areas and urban areas
关于.高师学生成就动机的研究2 、高师学生成就动机的影响因素中,经多元方差分析年级与文理、性别、的交互效应均不显著,但表现出不同的变化趋势。
4.The author found there are no significant differences in morphology construction of the same kind of male grasshopper on different vertical belt , but the 4 measured morphology indexes have more notable difference in the same kind female grasshopper through multiple analysis of variance . the author made further analysis of the figures of morphology construction under the influence of different environmental factors by multiple regression , and selected the factors , which have principle functions
5.Secondly , there was no negative age - related development in the function of wisdom , that is , on solving the real life problems , old adults performed as well as the young and middle - aged did . the reason is that multivariate analysis of variance ( manova ) showed that the main effect of age was not significant
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