| 1. | It was a hope rather than an expectation . 此仅为希望多于预期而已。 |
| 2. | The advantages outweigh the drawbacks . 得多于失,优点胜过缺点。 |
| 3. | Labor is more abundant than goods . 劳工多于商品。 |
| 4. | We can see whether any values appear more than once in the array . 可以看出数列中每一个值的出现是否多于一次。 |
| 5. | The small individual sources of pollution are far more numerous than the large ones . 分散的小污染源远多于大污染源。 |
| 6. | The rule of product can also be generalized to situations involving more than two events . 乘法原理也可以推广到多于两个事件的情况。 |
| 7. | Since that historic expedition questions about the moon still outnumber answers . 经过那次具有历史意义的探险后,关于月球问题仍然多于答案。 |
| 8. | The consolidation of the crust can hardly have occured less than 20 or more than 40 million years ago . 地壳的凝固不会少于2000万年,或多于4000万年。 |
| 9. | The extension to systems of more than two identical particles is quite straightforward . 把上述结论推广到含有多于两个全同粒子的系统中去是十分容易的。 |
| 10. | When the occurrence of the disease is much above the normal expectancy it is called an epidemic . 当此疾病发生的病例大大的多于正常的预期时则称为流行病。 |