Treating the wrench of external ankle with yanglingquan point : a report of 46 cases 运用阳陵泉穴治疗外踝关节扭伤46例
Analysis on the channel state in 45 patients with acute sport injury of external malleolus joint 45例急性运动性外踝关节损伤患者经络状态浅析
Apart from hypoesthesia at the lateral malleolus , slight initial pain and a tendency towards edema can be found , and the flexing or stretching function of the large toe or ankle joint is objectively reduced but this is hardly noticeable subjectively [ 51 , 86 , 107 ] 除了外踝感觉迟钝,可发现有初期轻度疼痛和肿胀的倾向,大拇指(足)或踝关节屈曲和伸展功能客观上减弱但主观上不易觉察。