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English translation for "外表好看"

well seeming

Related Translations:
外表:  outward appearance; exterior; surface; outside; likeness 短语和例子外表美观 have a fine exterior; look nice; 从外表看人 judge people by appearances; 从外表上看来 to outward seeming; 别从外表看事物。 don't judge a thi
外表阴郁:  dull looking
外表质:  epicyte
身体外表:  physical appearance
外表价:  apparent valence
外表特征:  garment tag
从外表:  by appearance
仪器外表:  i trument coverinstrument cover
外表表现:  externalization
Example Sentences:
1.Helen : it all depends . some are worth reading , but the others are nothing but golden rubbish
2.Most people like to look good as well as feel good and this is another area where exercise can help
3.As well as good looks , the successful avian needs to have a strong voice , be able to memorise lines - and behave
4.As well as good looks , the successful avian needs to have a strong voice , be able to memorise lines - and behave
Similar Words:
"外表的,外在的;非本质的,非本征的" English translation, "外表坊时验团" English translation, "外表跟踪" English translation, "外表古色古香而内部装饰现代化的房子" English translation, "外表观察, 外观" English translation, "外表化" English translation, "外表还是一样" English translation, "外表或样子" English translation, "外表寄生" English translation, "外表加工" English translation