| 1. | Both the foreign office and the ministry of defence have declined to comment on the reports 外事处和国防部都拒绝对这些报道做出评论。 |
| 2. | Es are not required to pay tuition fees to ift , but to their home institutions . together with the admissions application form ( please click 交换生除了可在网上下载申请表,还需递交以下文件至外事处: |
| 3. | Foreign affairs division of the school is responsible for affairs concerning teaching , daily work management and evaluation of foreign teachers 一、学校外事处负责外籍教师的教学事宜及日常工作管理和考评。 |
| 4. | Teachings aids equipment used by foreign teachers shall be resolved through discussion by foreign affairs division , logistics office and printing room 二、外教所用的教学辅助设备由外事处、后勤处、文印室协商解决。 |
| 5. | A foreign teacher , when receiving and sending postal parcels himself / herself , shall bear the expenses needed , and the foreign affairs division can help in special cases 十四、外籍教师自行取寄邮包,特殊情况外事处可以协助,其费用自理。 |
| 6. | A foreign teacher , when encountering difficulties in teaching , work or living , may contact the foreign affairs division . the latter will do its best to help 十七、外教在教学、工作、生活等方面遇有困难,可与外事处联系,外事处将尽力予以协助。 |
| 7. | If a foreign teacher plans to handle affairs or travel in other places at weekends or during the spare time , he / she must notify beforehand the foreign affairs division for consent 外教利用周末或其他无课时间到其他地方办事或旅行时,须事先通知外事处批准。 |
| 8. | Foreign teachers shall not accommodate any visitors at their residence without permission . accommodation should be approved by the foreign affairs division in advance and registration should be made 六、外籍教师不准私自在住处留宿来访人员,如需留宿,必须经外事处批准,并办理登记手续。 |
| 9. | A foreign teacher , who intends to have a tour , visit or sight - seeing during festivals or holidays , must inform a month in advance the foreign affairs division of his / her plan and the travel route and place thereof 十八、外教利用节假日外出旅游和参观、游览,须提前一个月向外事处提出,并报告旅游路线、地点。 |
| 10. | Should any special circumstances occur that hinder the normal conduction of teaching , foreign teachers shall apply for a leave one day before to the director of foreign affairs , and submit the note of leave to the foreign affairs division after being permitted 五、外籍教师遇有特殊原因不能授课时,须提前一天向外事处主任请假,得到批准后将请假条送交外事处。 |