On xiahou - xuan and on the change of the common practice and rise of the xiahou family status 兼论魏晋之际谯郡夏侯氏门风之变化及其门第之上升
The saint offers to cancel the tournament but kiichi insists on a duel to the death . and they cross swords 剑圣葬夏侯父女后,欲离去,宫本阻之,誓要与其一战
For his clan , the well - known scholars marked the common practice of mr xiahou to uphold culture and the family status gradually rose and scholarized 对其家族而言,其名士化标志着夏侯氏门风逐渐尚文,门第逐渐士族化。
Secretary general jaap de hoop scheffer and president will talk about the war in afghanistan and further expansion of the 27 member nato aliens 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯和布什总统将讨论阿富汗战争和北约组织27个成员国的进一步扩展的问题。
President bush is meeting with nato chief jaap de hoop scheffer this morning at the white house . the secretary general thinks more troops are needed in afghanistan 今天上午布什总统在白宫与北约秘书长夏侯雅伯会晤。秘书长认为在阿富汗需要更多的军队。
Nato secretary general jaap de hoop scheffer said the alliance will do everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties and that deaths of all innocent people would be investigated 北约秘书长夏侯雅伯表示,联军将尽其所能全力避免平众伤亡,并对所有无辜平民的死亡进行调查。
His chinese counterpart pu , also young and upright is called the saint . the saint is on his way to the castle of the hsiahous when he saves hsiahou s only daughter , whose father is actually the ninjas chinese ally . old hsiahou traps the saint and jails him in a gungeon 胜男倾心剑圣,却被父亲夏侯渊责难,夏侯渊为使夏侯世家再复昔日威名,不惜勾结日本,加害中原武林人物,并使计将剑圣困于天牢,后胜男暗救剑圣被父误杀,悲恸下自刎而死。
Every ten years , it is an historical ritual for the best swordsmen of china and japan to meet in a tourament . this time , janpan s representative is young and upright kiichi of the yagiu house . his chinese counterpart is pu , also so yound and upright that he is called the saint 剑圣步青云刘松仁饰赶赴夏侯山庄,代替夏侯家出战十年一次中日剑术比赛,途中出现神秘忍者刺客;东瀛代表宫本徐少强希望堂堂正正战胜,但德川幕府早已勾结夏侯家另有所图,宫本坚持与青云除去公敌后,再来生死决斗