If you might consider reinstating her this semester 你会不会考虑让她在本学期复学?
If you might consider reinstating her this semester 你会不会考虑让她在本学期复学?
Did you know there " s a motion on the docket to reinstate marissa cooper 你知不知道在议事表上有一项让marissa cooper复学的活动?
When suspension is expired , certificate of birth and relative certificate document are required for resumption of schooling 休学期满,应检附子女出生证明及相关证明文件申请复学。
The student wants shanghai university to reinstate him or provide him with a letter of transfer for another university 该生希望上海大学让其复学或为他提供一份去其它大学的转校信。
This new service is not applicable to the new , resuming studyrepeating , evening classes and masterph . d students 此项缴费新措施不适用于新生、复学重读生、就读夜间课程之学生、硕士及博士研究生等。
The student should apply for the resumption of schooling one month before deadline , if the student does not apply for the resumption after expiration , the schooling will be discontinued 5休学期限届满前一个月,应自行向教务处申请复学,期满不复学者,以退学论。
Students who are admitted by the university but who are unable to come to the university and carry on study normally for some special reasons will maintain their qualification for entering the university within one year 11 、已经被录取但确实因故不能学习的留学生,其入学资格可保留一年。学生本人应在开学前六个月向留学生办公室提出书面复学申请。
The student of full - time college with voluntary conscription shall be authorized to take active service , according to relevant regulation , the original school should retain the school register and allow the student to come back school to study after retiring from army ; the approved conscription citizen for active service shall be awarded military treatment along with canceling household register after the notification of enrollment for conscription citizen is distributed to the registered permanent address locus ; if the enlisted citizen is the employed personnel of institution , association and enterprise , all salary , bonus and all kinds of subsidy from the month of resignation by the original unit shall be granted 自愿应征符合条件的全日制高等学校学生,可以批准服现役,原就读学校应当有关规定保留其学籍,退伍后准其复学;被批准服现役的应征公民,发《应征公民入伍通知书》给户口所在地,注销户口并享受军属待遇;被应征公民是机关、团体、企业事业单位职工的,由原单位发给离职当月的全部工资、奖金及各种补贴。