Located at the union of three rivers , diqing s landscape is described variously as rough , lofty , mysterious , appealing , and tranquil , but always as unique . within diqing territory , there are approximately one hundred mountains over 4 , 000 meters in elevation all of which are capped with snow all year round . among the many beautiful peaks , meili snow - capped mountain , baimang snow - capped mountain , haba snow - capped mountain , balagengzong snow - capped mountain and biluo snow - capped mountain are among the most beautiful 迪庆地处国家的三将并流风景区的核心地带,境内自然景观奇、险、雄、奥、秘、幽绝于一体,十分迷人,雄伟壮丽,境内雪山林立,海拔4000米以上的雪峰就有百余座,较为著名的有梅里雪山、白茫雪山、哈巴雪山、巴拉更宗雪山、碧罗雪山、云南第一峰卡瓦格博至今仍是人类未能登顶的处女峰。