Specialized in reserch of chinese culture : geomancy ( fung - shui ) geography , physiognomy , life - science . . . etc 致力研习:风水堪舆学,人相学,气功学等中国传统哲学文化十馀年
Partnered with renowned designers and fung shui experts to launch an online wedding shop for sales of wedding related products and services on the internet 亦正式推出网上?店,与本地著名设计师及堪舆学家合作,提供一系列结婚商品及服务。
Family or business fengshui is also known as the geographical study of “ kan1 lin2 ” , it is actually a study of the environment and has close associations with astrology , geography , mathematics and biology 家居风水商业风水风水又称为堪舆地理学,它其实是一门环境学,和天文、地理、数学、生物学都有密切的关系。
According to the geomancer from wutai mountain , the near view of celestial phenomenon presented that national destiny is prosperous , is two piece of auspicious clouds presently in the south tip , one is boao , and the other is nanshan 后据五台山“堪舆师”所述:近观天象,时下国运昌盛,乃两片祥云现于南端之故,一为博鳌,一为南山。
During the practice , while everyone was meditating and listening to the chod drum , the group noticed a very unusual star in the sky . some saw it as having three colors , while others saw it as having five colors 罗贡桑仁波切不但肩负重建寺庙的重任,而且擅长于显密的修行法门,在建塔坛城宝瓶火供以及堪舆之术,是一位极重要的显密上师。
In general , the academy offers courses on various specialities ; under the guidance of our experienced and professional lecturers , the well planned learning programmes with both theory and practical approaches has enable the students to master the knowledge easilt in the past 10 years 皇成堪舆学术馆基于保持教学的专业性和学问的实用性,长期配合了一批富有实战经验的师资,以无私的心态,教授各类五术玄学课程;通过系统化的教学方式及理论与实践并重的课程设计,绝对可以使学生们更容易明白及掌握这些知识,达到活学活用的目的。