| 1. | " the determination of the base rate is mechanical . 基本利率是机械式地按照既定公式厘定的。 |
| 2. | The weighted cost of funds base rate 资金加权成本与基本利率 |
| 3. | The base rate still looks set to reach 6 . 0 % later this year 看起来,基本利率在今年晚些时候才能达到6 . 0 % 。 |
| 4. | Base rate plus 5 percent or overnight hibor for the day , whichever is higher 基本利率加5厘,或港元隔夜银行同业拆息当天的水平,两者以较高者为准 |
| 5. | A year ago rates were still unusually low : the bank of england ' s base rate was 4 . 5 % 直到一年前,利率依然异常之低:当时英格兰银行的基本利率为4 . 5 % 。 |
| 6. | The bank of england caught financial markets on the hop this week by raising the base rate to 4 . 75 % 本周,由于英格兰银行的基本利率提高到了4 . 75 ,因此其在金融市场上也实现了跳跃性增长。 |
| 7. | The bank of england caught financial markets on the hop this week by raising the base rate to 4 . 75 % 本周,由于英格兰银行的基本利率提高到了4 . 75 ,因此其在金融市场上出现了意想不到的增长。 |
| 8. | Functioned smoothly to absorb liquidity shocks , and the overnight interbank interest rate rarely exceeded the base rate of the discount window 机制运作畅顺,有效缓冲流动资金的冲击,隔夜银行同业拆息甚少超越贴现窗基本利率。 |
| 9. | Exchange rate under convertibility undertaking , base rate determination and publication of minutes of the efac sub - committee on currency board operations 兑换保证汇率基本利率的厘定及公布外汇基金谘询委员会辖下的货币发行委员会会议记录 |
| 10. | Replacing laf by a discount window with the base rate formerly known as the laf offer rate to be determined from time to time by the hkma 以贴现窗取代流动资金调节机制,贴现窗设基本利率前称流动资金调节机制拆出息率,由金管局不时厘定。 |