| 1. | Study on ground water level dynamic state in yushu city 榆树市地下水水位动态研究 |
| 2. | Groundwater levels fall ; rivers get drier and drier 地下水水位下降,河水越来越干。 |
| 3. | Groundwater levels fall ; rivers get drier and drier 过度用水造成地下水水位下降,河流变得越加干涸。 |
| 4. | Study on the arithmetic of automatically drawing isoline of groundwater level based on gis 的地下水水位等值线图自动生成算法研究 |
| 5. | A groundwater level automatic measurement and transmission system based on short message service of gsm 短消息的地下水水位自动测报系统 |
| 6. | Consequently , the dynamic of ground water table and water quality has an intense influence on the growth of vegetation 因此地下水水位和水质的动态强烈地影响到植被的发育和动态。 |
| 7. | Therefore , the spatial and temporal dynamic of the soil water and salinity , the ground water table and salt concentration are main factors affecting the oasis stability 因此,干旱区流域内土壤水盐和地下水水位、盐分含量的动态变化成为影响绿洲稳定性的重要因素。 |
| 8. | As the old specific water yield apparatus can not put up visually the influence of water level and its decrease depth on the specific water yield of incompact soil sample , a new apparatus is designed 摘要针对原有给水度实验仪不能直观反映地下水水位埋深及其降深对给水度影响的缺点,设计了能采用柱体法测定松散土体试样的给水度的实验仪。 |
| 9. | The new apparatus not only can reflect the visual change of water level , the influence of water level and its decrease depth on the specific water yield , but also can be operated and understood easily by students 新设计的给水度实验仪能直观地显示出地下水水位的变化,并能反映出初始地下水水位埋深及水位降深对给水度的影响,且操作简单,易于学生理解掌握。 |
| 10. | Conclusion from the analysis : the exploitation and reentry determine the groundwater level behavior , quality of groundwater behavior and temperature of groundwater behavior , but other factors such as rainfall work in some concert with them 通过分析可知:人工开采和回灌对地下水水位动态、水质动态和水温动态起着决定性的作用,但大气降水等其他因素对地下水动态仍有一定的影响。 |