[ guīniè ] [书面语] (指圭表, 比喻准则或法度) criterion; standard 短语和例子 奉为圭臬 look up to as the standard
Example Sentences:
Creativity : competition principle in the times of knowledge economy and globalization 知识经济和全球化时代的竞争圭臬
There is a lot of ways to do it and staying in the same music style is not an obligation 做音乐可以有很多方式,不必视风格统一为圭臬。
Studying chinese calligraphy which begins with regular script has become a standard for a long time 长期以来,初习书法从楷入手,已成为书法练习的圭臬。
Unlikely as it may sound , this essay , written more than 70 years ago , is the underpinning of much japanese productivity and the basis of many businessmen ' s life philosophies 乍听起来似乎不太可能,这篇写于七十多年前的散文竟然会有助于提高日本的生产率,并且被许多实业家奉为人生观的圭臬。
Dedication , responsibility and trustworthiness form the basis of our daily dealings in order to provide our clients with the best quality of sports wear of international standard 专业、负责诚信之理念乘制裘为圭臬,提供客户最准确、专业之建议,始终如一的国际品质之产品与服务,与同行业间一直保有极高的评价与口碑。
The key of immediate enlightenment book series a quintessential collection of supreme master ching hais teachings has long been regarded as required daily reading by quan yin practitioners . the japanese edition of volume four is now available to benefit japanese readers 即刻开悟之钥丛书集结清海无上师的教理精华,一向被许多灵修人士奉为每日必读的修行圭臬,为嘉惠日文读者,日文版第四册已正式发行。
Province , since the beginning , gong pin xuan has maintained its motto in presewing and creating the awave - ness of traditional chinese culture and furniture . what they have now achieved is an accumulation of hard work . they tiaveled extensively to acquive the knowledge of wood joinery cawing and in geneial 奉厚积而薄发为圭臬,为求真知,不辞劳苦,足迹遍及大江南北,博览艺术真迹之余潜心探其精要,始知中华文化博大精深之一斑见于古典家具,使信念有加。
It correlates to defending the investors " benefits that how to define trust contract correctly . based on the comparatively studying different countries " contract structure of investing fund , this chapter dissects the loopholes and drawbacks of chinese existing contract structure of investing fund , and suggests taking japanese model as reference to import trust system to create a unit trust contract , then putting fund holder , fund manager and fund custodian into one trust contract 在比较分析各国投资基金契约结构的设置后,本部分对我国现行投资基金结构的缺陷逐一剖析,揭示了我国投资基金将投资者排斥出基金契约之外的不合理性,以及基金结构的非信托性,建议以日本“一元制”基金契约结构为圭臬,引入信托机制,将我国投资基金契约规定为一个信托契约,并把基金持有人、基金管理人和基金托管人纳入一个信托契约当中。
The book sage portrait record selected 32 sages from thousands of historical figures , gave a brief account of their academic achievements , set up a standard for later generations , paved the way for scholars to study , and became the source of zhang zhidong ' s book answering questions 摘要《圣哲画像记》从数千年灿若群星的历史名人中精选三十二位,画龙点睛地概述其为学成就,并借此作为后辈为文的圭臬,给学者治学提供读书门径选择的便利路径,为后来张之洞《书目答问》起到探源导流的作用。