犄角: [口语] (角; 角落) corner 短语和例子在院子犄角 in a corner of the courtyard; 桌子犄角 the corner of a table; 他在会议室一个不为人注意的犄角坐下来。 he took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room
他在会议室一个不为人注意的犄角坐下来: he took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room
院子: courtyard; yard; park; hypethron 短语和例子堆放破烂的院子 a junk yard; 用篱笆围院子 enclose the courtyard with a fence; 院子里练不出千里马, 温室里长不出万年松。 a fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine gro