Ⅰ动词 1.(存在; 生存) exist; be living 短语和例子 精神永在。 the spirit still exists. 我父母健在。 both of my parents are living now.2.(表示人或事物的位置; 留在) stay; remain 短语和例子 在领导岗位 be in one's power; 我父母在北京。 my parents are in beijing. 你的书在桌子上。 your book is on the table.3.(参加; 属于) join or belong to an organization; be a member of an organization 短语和例子 在组织 join an organization4.(在于; 决定于) depend on; lie in; rest with 短语和例子 事在人为。 human effort is the decisive factor. 企业兴衰主要在经营管理。 the uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration. 事情的成败在你自己的努力。 the success or failure of the matter depends on your own effort.Ⅱ副词 (正在) in process of; in course of 短语和例子 一切都在变。 all are changing. 老师在备课。 the teacher is preparing the lesson. 他们在聊天。 they're having a chat.Ⅲ介词 (表示时间、处所、范围等) 短语和例子 在半夜 in the midnight; 在礼堂开会 have a meeting in the auditorium; 在车站 at the station; 在这种情况下 under these circumstances; 坐在我右边 sit on my right; 在战争中 during the war; 在整个历史上 throughout history; 在理论上 in theory; theoretically; 在这方面 in this respectⅣ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 在育zai yu
Example Sentences:
England flourished under the tudors . 英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。
She showed great courage during the war . 她在战争中表现得很勇敢。。
In eighteenth century the theory shrank . 在18世纪这种理论开始衰落。
He had made passes at her in moscow . 在莫斯科时,他曾向她大献殷勤。
His message was not very happily worded . 他的通知在措辞上有些欠妥。
Both are now equally current in britain . 两者目前在英国都同时流行。
You have been tampering with her affections . 你一直在玩弄她的感情。
This is the catch in designing planes . 这是在设计飞机中的棘手难题。
He has something in the customs . 他在海关里有一个差事(有点地位)。
His subtlety could not avail him here . 他精明机智在这里无济于事了。