| 1. | It was large and airy and faced st. charles avenue . 它宽敞、通风,朝向圣查尔斯街。 |
| 2. | I ' ve been summering in saint charles since i was a boy 我从小就在圣查尔斯过夏天 |
| 3. | Summers in saint charles , winters in switzerland 夏天在圣查尔斯,冬天在瑞士 |
| 4. | In the course of the summer on saint charles 在圣查尔斯渡过的这段夏日期间 |
| 5. | It was another glorious day in saint charles 那天在圣查尔斯又是一个风和日丽的日子 |
| 6. | As adam wandered the streets of saint charles 当亚当徘徊在圣查尔斯街道上 |
| 7. | Saint charles is a small island . i ' m sure i know them 圣查尔斯是个小岛我肯定认识他们 |
| 8. | Filled with the dizzying emotions of the summer on saint charles 满怀着在圣查尔斯夏天的错综情感 |
| 9. | Saint charles seemed almost unreal 圣查尔斯看起来近乎虚幻 |
| 10. | Saint charles was an exclusive island , known for palatial mansions 圣查尔斯是个独立的岛以其富丽堂皇的住宅 |