| 1. | Another important decision was to include in the new regime emissions from deforestation and land degradation 另一个重要决定就是把砍伐森林和土地沙化所造成的排放量增大纳入新条例中。 |
| 2. | As the first step for sandy land control , sandy land monitoring can provide effective technical support for the decision and sandy land management project 沙化土地监测可以为沙化土地工程治理及决策提供有效的技术支持,它是治理土地沙化的首要环节。 |
| 3. | Does the harshness of alpine and desert growing conditions for trees and shrubs mean that the regeneration of wood sources cannot keep pace with the demand for firewood 荒芜的山峰和土地沙化的增长是否对树和灌木意味着木材资源的再生不能跟上营火取材的需要。 |
| 4. | People ' s governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the rehabilitation of small river basins , control hazards of sand storms , prevent and control soil erosion and desertification 各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强对小流域治理,控制风沙危害,预防和治理水土流失、土地沙化。 |
| 5. | Because of regional underground water level continual dropping and climate changing to aridity , land desertifacation and degeneration of glassland and tundra will tend to worse in short period 由于区域地下水位的持续下降和气候向干旱化发展,土地沙化、草场退化及多年冻土退化短期内将趋于恶化。 |
| 6. | Northwest china is one of the serious places with soil erosion and desertification , a typical place with environment deficit and economic recession , where farmers " income remains at a low level due to economic draggling in rural area 西北地区是我国水土流失和土地沙化严重的地区之一,同时也是农村经济落后和农民收入较低的地区,是典型的生态赤贫和经济贫困的共生区。 |
| 7. | Some species have been largely spread for 18 years , and contributed much to the development of industrialization of agriculture , forestation and horticulture . 28 affiliated companies or cooperative bases have been established in the whole nation 我国西部地区,水土流失土地沙化,洪涝乾旱灾害频繁,沙尘暴日益增多,这些都严重阻碍当地经济发展和人民的物质生活水平的提高。 |
| 8. | In the western region development , the land resource is being threatened by a series of environmental problems , such as soil erosion and land desertification which are caused by lack of awareness , unwise judgment of benefits and the weakness of legal system 摘要在西部大开发中,面临著严重的水土流失、土地沙化等一系列的环境问题,这些环境问题的成因既有人们思想认识上的不足,也有利益衡量上的失偏和法制保障的乏力。 |
| 9. | Situated in northwest china , ningxia has the typical eco - environmental problems of west china such as water and soil erosion , soil salinization , land desertification , and so on , so that there is a sharp contradiction between the spatial development of urban system and the eco - environmental conservancy 宁夏地处我国西北部,具有西部非常突出的生态环境问题:水土流失、土地沙化、土壤盐渍化,因此城镇体系的空间发展与生态环境保护的矛盾极为突出。 |
| 10. | The native area transportation is convenient , the communication electric power facilities is well - found , being apart from to baoding city the downtown only 5 kilometers of , the area a term is better , many in the last yearses regard traditional agriculture as predominant , the esse land sand that add turns the phenomenon , causing native area development after the opposite 本地区交通便利,通讯电力设施全,距保定市区仅5公里,区位条件较好,多年来以传统农业为主导,加之存在土地沙化现象,导致本地区发展相对滞后。 |