| 1. | Rules for the inspection of circular screwing dies for export 出口圆板牙检验规程 |
| 2. | The types and dimensions for circular screwing dies 圆板牙型式和尺寸 |
| 3. | Technical specifications for cirular screwing dies 圆板牙技术条件 |
| 4. | Die stocks - interchangeability dimensions 圆板牙架型式和互换尺寸 |
| 5. | Circular screwing dies for steel conduit thread , pg 7 to pg 48 Pg7至pg48钢管螺纹加工用圆板牙 |
| 6. | Die stocks - interchangeability dimensions 圆板牙架型式和互换尺寸 |
| 7. | Circular screwing dies for whitworth threads 惠氏螺纹圆板牙 |
| 8. | Hand - and machine - operated circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads 锥形管螺纹用手攻和机攻圆板牙 |
| 9. | Circular screwing dies for unified threads 统一螺纹圆板牙 |
| 10. | Hand - and machine - operated circular screwing dies for parallel pipe threads 平行管螺纹用手攻和机攻圆板牙 |