精英: 1.(精华) cream; essence; quintessence 短语和例子传统文学艺术的精英 the essence of traditional art and literature2.(出类拔萃的人) person of outstanding ability; elite 短语和例子科学界的精英 the scientific elite; 政府内部的一群握有实
“ we are working with tsinghua university to hold the world class conference for management education in may in beijing , ” says mr kraft . “ the purpose is to prepare chinese business schools better for accreditation 美国国际精英商学院协会克拉福特表示: “我们正在与清华大学合作,筹划在明年5月在北京举办世界级管理教育会议,旨在帮助中国的商学院做好认证准备工作。 ”