| 1. | The applicant for the international application should abide by the provisions of the preceding paragraph 申请人提出专利国际申请的,应当遵守前款规定。 |
| 2. | The applicant filing an international application for patent shall comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph 申请人提出专利国际申请的,应当遵守前款规定。 |
| 3. | The international application for the patent right for invention shall be subject to paragraph 1 of article 51 of these rules 要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,适用本细则第五十一条第一款的规定。 |
| 4. | International application : did not register trademark outside china ; send out trademark international registration suggestion 商标国际申请:对商标未在境外商标注册的,向其发出办理商标国际注册或境外注册建议。 |
| 5. | International opposition : in time predict the trademarks applied by others outside china , and send out suggestions for oppositions 商标国际申请:对商标未在境外商标注册的,向其发出办理商标国际注册或境外注册建议。 |
| 6. | " it files internationally many more applications than any other country , so , internationally it ' s filing 34 % of all international applications “美国国际间的申请专利资料远比其他国家多得多,占全部国际申请资料的34 % 。 |
| 7. | Where the effectiveness of an international application in china has been terminated , the provisions in paragraph 2 of article 7 of these rules shall not be applied 国际申请在中国的效力已经终止的,不适用本细则第七条第二款的规定。 |
| 8. | For an international application , " publication " mentioned in articles 21 and 22 of the patent law means the publication provided in paragraph 1 of this article 对国际申请,专利法第二十一条和第二十二条中所称的公布是指本条第一款所规定的公布。 |
| 9. | The main reason for the application to upgrade bifl s status from a deposit - taking company to a restricted licence bank is to accommodate its business development 巴鲁达国际申请由接受存款公司升格为有限制牌照银行,主要是为了配合其业务发展需要。 |