| 1. | The identification of the carrier of the carriage of good by sea 论国际海上货物运输中承运人的识别 |
| 2. | The effect of the maritime transportation contract by the principle of liability under the law of contract 违约责任的归责原则对国际海上货物运输合同的影响 |
| 3. | I n generai idea , seaworthy and care for goods and no deviation are carrier ' s basic obligations 一般认为使船舶适航、管理货物和不绕航是承运人在国际海上货物运输合同中承担的基本义务。 |
| 4. | Up to now there are still a great deal of conflicts of law existing in this area 由于国际海上货物运输具有很强的国际性,极易产生法律选择与法律适用的争议,因此该领域存在大量的法律冲突。 |
| 5. | In the contract of carriage of goods by sea , several parties locating in different countries are involved , therefore the issue of applicable law to the contract is complicated and the disputes on application of law frequently arise 国际海上货物运输合同包括件杂货运输合同、航次租船合同、定期租船合同和光船租船合同四种。本文主要对件杂货运输合同和航次租船合同以及提单的法律适用问题进行研究。 |
| 6. | From the theory of the transferring of contract , the author believes that the contract of international carriage of goods by sea has no characteristic of binding the third party , and the transferability of this kind of contract is the very characteristic which differences this kind of contract from other contracts 本文作者从合同转让制度的角度研究认为,国际海上货物运输合同并不具有约束第三方的性质,运输合同在通常情况下所具有的转让性是此类合同区别于其他合同的显著特征。 |
| 7. | The views " the contract of international carriage of goods by sea has the characteristic of binding the third party " in maritime legal community are not correct . this view directly leads to the disputes in understanding the relevant articles of the chinese maritime code and the disputes in determining the person liable for not taking delivery of the goods at destination 海商法学界关于“国际海上货物运输合同具有约束第三方性质”的主张,并不是对于海上货物运输合同特征的准确描述,但这一主张却是导致在理解海商法相关条款上产生歧义、在司法实践中确定目的港无人提货主体时产生纷争的重要根源。 |
| 8. | Lien of carrier in accordance with the contract law , the carrier has a lien on the goods transported , and the ownership of subject matter have nothing to do with the lien . but in the maritime code , the carrier has the right of lien on the goods , which own to the debtor . the condition of carrier ' s lien depends on the difference of the navigating area is unreasonable 三、承运人对货物的留置权问题,按照《合同法》规定,沿海货物运输承运人留置货物不以债务人所有为限,而依《海商法》 ,国际海上货物运输承运人只能留置债务人的货物,这是不合理的,因此,笔者建议留置权的标的物不以债务人所有为限, 《海事诉讼特别程序法》第四十四条的规定限制了承运人行使货物留置权的方式,但不能改变留置权的成立要件。 |
| 9. | In view of the transferring of contract , the author believes that only when the third party has clearly expressed his intention to accept the established contract and has become a party o f the said contract , can the contract have the binding force to this third party . the transferring of this contract of carriage is not the transferring of all the rights and obligations in the contract 从合同转让的角度,作者认为当国际海上货物运输合同表现出约束第三方(收货人)特征时,实际上受运输合同约束的该第三人已经以明确的意思表示加入到业已成立的运输合同当中,成为该运输合同的当事一方了。 |
| 10. | To resolve the conflicts of laws certain rules are developed , among which , the rule of party autonomy , the rule of closest connection are commonly used . the jurisdiction clause and arbitration clause in bill of lading also have great impact on the proper law of the bill of lading 在解决国际海上货物运输合同法律冲突的实践中,冲突规范发展至今并得到普遍适用的原则有当事人意思自治原则、最密切联系原则等,并且合同管辖权条款和仲裁条款对合同准据法的确定也具有重要作用。 |