| 1. | In the process of solidification the same amount of heat is released . 在固结过程中则将释放出同等的热量。 |
| 2. | The ash, cinders, and other fragments become a consolidated rock . 火山灰、火山渣和其它碎屑变成了固结的岩石。 |
| 3. | Fault ruptures would generally be absorbed by unconsolidated deposits . 断层破裂一般会被未固结的沉积物所吸收。 |
| 4. | Sandstone and conglomerate are the consolidated equivalent of sand and gravel . 砂岩和砾岩分别是砂和砾石固结的产物。 |
| 5. | They can also be transmitted through thick deposits of unconsolidated sediments . 它们也可能通过未固结沉积物的沉积层。 |
| 6. | Other factors that affect porosity are compaction, consolidation and cementation . 影响孔隙率的其它因素是压缩,固结和胶结 |
| 7. | The surface is the relatively thin covering of soil and unconsolidated rock waste . 浮土是由土壤和未固结岩屑组成的比较薄的覆盖层。 |
| 8. | The rock and sand thickened into hard, accurate molds of the weapons corroding inside . 沙石固结成坚硬而密实的模子把正在锈蚀的武器包在里面。 |
| 9. | The surface soil and the unconsolidated mantle rock beneath it form only a thin venner . 地表土壤和它下面的未固结的风化层只是形成一个很薄的盖层。 |
| 10. | During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation, mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures . 在沉积物固结的晚期,矿化溶液渗入到裂隙中。 |