The father gave him a quizzical look. they both burst out laughing . 父亲带着询问的目光看了他一眼。噗嗤一声两人一同大笑起来。
Ippolit guffawed again , and in the middle of a laugh articulated 伊波利特又噗嗤一声笑了,透过笑声说道:
Here the unfeeling toad broke into a snigger , and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn 听到这里,没心肝的蟾蜍居然偷偷地噗嗤笑了出来,跟着又敛容正色,做出特别庄重严肃的样子。
Here prince ippolit gave a loud guffaw , laughing long before any of his audience , which created an impression by no means flattering to him 伊波利特公爵早就噗嗤一声大笑起来,这时,听众们还没有面露笑容,这一声大笑产生的印象对讲故事的人极为不利。
It is suspected that these bruises are somehow related to an incident at the event where an employee tripped and fell in front of kim , eliciting an unexpected burst of laughter from him 应该是某位社员不慎跌倒时,意外地让站在她面前的金社长噗嗤大笑,所以猜测是因此事件而导致出这种反效果。