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English translation for "善一"


Related Translations:
善景:  yoshikage
善三:  zenzo
通善:  michiyoshitsuzen
善清:  yoshikiyo
善多:  zenta
善广:  yoshihiro
善尧:  yoshitaka
善和:  zenwa
智善:  loveholictomoyoshi
洪善:  hongshan
Example Sentences:
1.Mr martin rowe mr neil russell
2.70 and 71 of the judgment . 6 . in addressing the applicant s criticisms of the inadequacy of the engineering review published in november 2003 , the judge considered that the evidence showed that a comprehensive report had been obtained and that the report had been commented upon by an independent expert who observed that the criii works were capable of meeting the high court s " three tests "
6 .关于申请人批评在2003年11月发出的工程检讨报告有欠妥善一事,法官认为,有证据显示有关报告是一份全面的报告,而就该报告提供意见的独立专家,亦认为中区填海第三期工程符合高等法院所订的"三项测试" 。
Similar Words:
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