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English translation for "商业部长"

commerce minister
home trade minister
internal trade minister
minister of commerce
minister of home trade
minister of internal trade
minister of trade
secretary of commerce
trade minister

Related Translations:
商业部:  commerce departmentcommerical departmentdoc =department of commerceministry of commerce
美国商业部:  united states department of commerce
商业部门:  busine sectorbusiness sectorcommercial departmentcommercial organizationcommercial sectortrade industry
美国商业部长:  donald evans
商业部副部长:  deputy minister of commerce
工业和商业部:  department of industry and commerceindustry and commerce department
商业部门售货额:  commercial sales
委托商业部门代销:  commodities can be sold by the commercial departments on a commission basis
贸易和商业部长:  minister of trade and commercetrade and commerce minister
商业部门的域名:  com(commerce
Example Sentences:
1.The united states has nothing to fear from the rise of china as a low - cost manufacturing power and should concentrate on further growth in high - value industries , commerce secretary carlos gutierrez said friday
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