| 1. | A section of cape collinson road east of lin shing road will be closed to vehicular traffic except for hearses (一)连城道以东之一段哥连臣角道将只准灵车使用; |
| 2. | A section of cape collinson road from the crematorium slip road to shek o road will be re - routed one - way westbound (一)介乎火葬场支路至石澳道之间的一段哥连臣角道会改为单程西行; |
| 3. | Vehicles coming down from the slip road of roman catholic cemetery will be divertd to cape collinson road heading for shek o or northbound lin shing road depending on the situation (三)从天主教坟场支路驶下的车辆会因应交通情况利用哥连臣角道前往石澳或连城道北行。 |
| 4. | Planning is under way for the provision of seven coffin skeletal cremators at the wo hop shek crematorium and the reprovisioning of nine cremators at the cape collinson crematorium 本署正筹划在和合石火葬场兴建七个棺木骨殖火化炉,以及在哥连臣角火葬场重置九个火化炉。 |
| 5. | An artisan of the then urban services department was jailed for 30 months for bribing his supervisor and stealing burial property from coffins at the cape collinson crematorium 前市政总署一名技工在哥连臣角火葬场盗窃陪葬品,并向上司提供利益作为包庇其偷窃行为的报酬,被判入狱三十个月。 |
| 6. | The slip road at chinese permanent cemetery and roman catholic cemetery will be opened to the public and maintained one - way westbound leading back to the junction of cape collinson road and lin shing road (二)通往柴湾华人永远坟场及天主教坟场的支路将会开放给市民使用,并维持单程西行前往哥连臣角道及连城道交界; |
| 7. | Cape collinson road and lin shing road may be closed without prior notification if situations warrant . if lin shing road is closed , flexibility will be exercised to allow vehicles accessing wan tsui estate ; and (四)哥连臣角道及连城道将在有需要时不作预先通知下封闭,如连城道封闭,警方将会弹性地容许车辆通过环翠? ; |
| 8. | The slip road leading from cape collinson road to the garden of remembrance and crematorium will be closed to traffic except for hearses and vehicles conveying people attending services at the crematorium (二)由哥连臣角道通往军人纪念坟场及火葬场的一条支路将会封闭,只准灵车及接载前往火葬场参与仪式人士的车辆使用; |
| 9. | Two artisans and a former artisan of the then urban services department were sentenced to jail terms ranging from nine months to 18 months for stealing burial property from coffins at cape collinson crematorium 前市政总署两名技工及一名前任技工,因在哥连臣角火葬场从棺木中盗取陪葬品,分别被判入狱九个月至十八个月不等。 |
| 10. | Cape collinson road and lin shing road may be closed without prior notification if situations warrant . if lin shing road is closed , flexibility will be exercised to allow vehicles accessing to wan tsui estate ; and (三)哥连臣角道及连城道将在有需要时不作预先通知下封闭,如连城道封闭,警方将会弹性地容许车辆通过环翠? ; |