Tinkling bells among the mountains indicate the coming of the caravan 山间铃响马帮来
The highwaymen ' s gaze fell on a party of traveling merchants and tried to rob them 响马们的眼光落在了一伙过路商人身上,设法去抢劫他们。
Lai xi and lt . li , accompanied by li s former posse of soldiers , who have forsaken their peaceful new lives to return to his side , must face the cruelty of the desert , the region s barbaric bandits and the brutality of the overlord s men before they can finally face one another 二人相遇后,一场大战不分胜负,两位同是鼎鼎大名的剑客,于是相约再战。正在此时,他们迎头碰上了护送经书的朝廷商队及觊觎驼队的响马子安王学圻,而安的背后,似乎还另有主谋.