A stress test is not necessary for active people without symptoms of angina 对于活跃的人而言,如果没有咽峡炎症状,应激测试也不是必需的。
For patients with new symptoms that suggest angina , a stress test is usually the first diagnostic step 对于有新发咽峡炎疑似症状的病人,应急测试通常是诊断的第一步。
Ludwig ' s angina is a rapidly spreading , potentially life - threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally 摘要鲁特维格氏咽峡炎是一种急性发作、进展迅速,而且可能引起呼吸道阻塞而致命的蜂窝性组织炎。